Citizens for Milford announces pre-election interview project

A partnership with Town Clerk and Milford TV
Citizens for Milford recently worked in partnership with the Town Clerk’s office and Milford TV to complete a special edition of The Milford Informer titled “Get Ready to Run: Town Election 2025.” Included in this special feature is a series of interviews with representatives of every committee, board, or position that will be on the Town Election ballot this coming April.
Town Clerk Amy Neves and Assistant Town Clerk Danielle Petrowski lead the program in an interview with Milford TV News Director Tim Caouette discussing what a resident needs to know to run for Town office. This segment is followed by interviews with 12 other elected officials explaining what one does as a member of the Select Board, School Committee, Town Meeting, Planning Board, Parks Commission, Board of Health, Housing Authority, Sewer Commission, Town Constable, Board of Assessors, Board of Library Trustees, and Trustees of Vernon Grove.
The full two-hour program is available to watch on Milford TV’s YouTube channel at . Discussion of the role and responsibilities of a Water Commissioner was recorded in a separate interview, which is available at . Residents who are interested in learning more about specific offices, such as School Committee or Town Meeting, can watch each interview separately in the Citizens for Milford playlist on Milford TV’s YouTube channel at . Each individual interview runs 5-10 minutes.
“Citizens for Milford was so pleased to collaborate with the Town Clerk’s office, Milford TV, and over a dozen Town officials to create this special pre-election program. We encourage all residents who are interested in becoming more involved in the community to watch and hear directly from the folks who do these jobs what it is like to serve in each of these elected positions,” states Chair Geri Eddins.
Anyone with additional questions can reach out to current officeholders to learn more. Contact information for every current department and official is included on the Town website .
In addition to the YouTube links, Milford residents can watch the full interview program, as well as the individual interview videos, in Milford TV’s daily programming on the Milford TV public channel (Comcast 8 | Verizon 38) and Verizon channel HD 2140. The schedule is available on the Milford TV website ( by selecting the “WATCH” tab at the top. One additional option is to launch the videos from the links provided on by selecting “TOWN ELECTION 2025” at the top.
The Town Clerk’s office has announced that nomination papers for all elected offices in Milford's April Town Election, including Town Meeting members, will be available Jan. 6, 2025. The Town Clerk recommends that anyone interested in running for an elected position, including Town Meeting, should reach out to their office in advance so they can prepare the nomination papers for you. Residents can send email to [email protected] and call the Town Clerk’s office at 508-634-2307.