Mendon Senior Center events

Regular Weekly Programs:
Walking Group – Monday/Wednesday/Friday – 8:30 a.m.
SHINE – Health Insurance Counseling by Appt. Mondays 12:30 p.m.
Chorus Rehearsal – Monday 1 p.m. beginning Sept. 9 (Call to register)
Chair Exercise – Tuesday/Thursday 9 a.m. (must register; call for availability)
Lunch Club – Tuesday/Thursday 12 p.m. Please make reservations at least 48 hours in advance at 508-478-6175.
Scrabble- Tuesday 9 a.m. (returning in the fall)
Hand, Knee & Foot (Canasta type) – Tuesdays 1 p.m.
Cribbage – Wednesday
9:30 a.m.
Qigong – Wednesday 10 a.m. (seasonal program)
Mah Jong – Wednesday/Thursday 1 p.m.
Yarn Works – Thursday 1 p.m.
Mendon Minstrels Chorus Returns!
The Senior Center Chorus will begin rehearsals this September on Mondays from 1 - 3 p.m., starting Sept. 9. It’s not too late to join even if you miss the first few sessions. The chorus, under the direction of Dave Clinkman, will be focusing on music for the November veteran’s program, their upcoming fall program entitled “Dream” as well as their holiday program. New members are welcome! Call the Mendon Senior Center at 508-478-6175 if you are interested in joining.
History with Jim Buckley
Join us on Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 11 a.m. for another riveting history talk with Jim Buckley: The most dangerous job in Washington D.C. Call or stop by the senior center to register for this free program. Consider joining us for lunch afterwards. Please sign up for lunch separately.
Veterans Round Table ~ Thursday Sept. 19, 10:30 a.m.
This meeting is open to veterans and their spouses, widows or widowers to discuss veterans benefits, such as assistance to veterans and their families including, in some cases, dependent children and/or widows of veterans who served in the military and have a discharge rating from active duty services as other than dishonorable. Any veterans are not aware of the benefits that they earned by serving their country (even in time of peace, or in some cases, not even leaving the United States.) The benefits that will be discussed include state and federal benefits, including financial assistance, health care, GI loans, education, and a variety of other valuable services and benefits that you may have forgotten about since having served in the military, (including reservists, retirees, and members of the US Coast Guard, who are now part of the Federal Department of Homeland Security.) Please join us to find out what you may be eligible for, or a family members may be qualifies for as a spouse. Call 508-478-6175 or stop by the Senior Center to sign up for this program hosted by Mr. Robin Fletcher, Veterans’ Services Officer for the Town of Mendon.
Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 25 we will offer the first in a three- part program to help you research your genealogy. This program lead by volunteer Dorothy Garceau is fascinating and free. The course will use videos and charts that can be framed. Please call 508-478-6175 or stop by the Mendon Senior Center to register. (class dates: 9/25, 10/9, 10/23 at 1 p.m.)
Pen Pal Program Returns –Coming this fall... the Mendon Senior Center is pleased to announce it will be collaborating with eight graders from Benjamin Franklin Charter School in Franklin under the direction of volunteers Cheryl Lemon and Susan Edmondson, We will be exchanging letters once a month during the school year. Seniors interested in adopting a pen pal are encouraged to sign up at the senior center. If you have any questions, please contact director Amy Wilson Kent at 508-478-6175.
Free Fall Prevention Program Beginning Oct. 1
The Mendon Senior Center will be hosting the award winning “Matter of Balance” program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. This free evidence-based program, offered by Tri-Valley, will help participants view falls as controllable, set realistic goals for increasing activity, reduce household fall risk factors and increase strength and flexibility. Sessions will begin Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 1:30 a.m. and will run for eight consecutive weeks until Nov. 19. Each session is 2 hours long. Sneakers or other comfortable sturdy shoes are recommended. Refreshments will be served. Space is limited, call Amy at 508-478-6175 or stop in to register at the Senior Center, 62 Providence St.
Qigong – New Fall Session Starting Soon!
Wednesday, Oct. 2 at 10 a.m.
The Mendon Senior Center is pleased to offer an upcoming session of this popular fitness program. Qigong (pronounced Chee-gong) according to instructor Faith Kennedy is “meditation in motion.” It utilizes gentle stretching and breathing exercises. Upon finishing this class students will feel relaxed yet energized. Participants will be seated for the majority of the class. The cost of this eight- week session is $40 payable to the instructor. Classes are held subject to minimum enrollment. Please stop by the center or call 508-478-6175 to register.
Fill-in Lunch Servers Wanted
Volunteers are needed to help serve Tri-Valley lunch once or twice a month on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Center as well as helping out with special meals. Responsibilities include preparing the dining room for lunch, serving the meal, and cleaning up. Hours are typically 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and you do not have to make a weekly commitment. If you would like to volunteer or learn more about the lunch program, please call Amy at 508-478-6175. Volunteer forms are available at the Senior Center.
Coming Soon!
Medicare Open Enrollment
SHINE can help! Call soon to schedule your appointment for any time from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7.
It’s that time of year again! If you are enrolled in a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO/PPO), you should be mailed an information packet from your plan by the end of September. It is important to understand and save this information because it explains the changes in your plan for 2025. Premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and the drugs covered by your plan can change significantly! Come meet with a SHINE counselor to go over any changes and make sure you’re in the right plan for you!
Trained SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone…on Medicare) volunteers offer free, confidential, and unbiased counseling on Medicare options. To schedule a SHINE appointment, call the Senior Center at 508-478-6175. For other SHINE related matters, call 508-422-9931. Once you get the SHINE answering machine, leave your name, town and number. A volunteer will call you back, as soon as possible.
Salem Day Tour
Join us on Thursday, Oct. 17 for a very full, fascinating day trip to Salem, Massachusetts. Depart the Mendon Senior Center at 8 a.m. and begin your visit with a driving bus tour of Salem followed by buffet lunch at the Hawthorn Hotel. After lunch you’ll have a lighthouse and foliage cruise on the harbor; followed by a trip to the Real Pirates Museum and the Gallows Hill Interactive Theatre. Return home to Mendon at 6 p.m. The cost is $160 per person and includes round-trip transportation, lunch and all attractions. Payment is due by Oct. 1, 2024. For reservations and information, contact Bev Fior 508-473-8382 or [email protected].