Milford Safety Log
A summary of police and fire calls from June 25 to July 25
The Milford Police Department provided a wide range of services between June 25 and July 25 related to motor vehicle stops and property checks, traffic enforcement, community policing, disabled motor vehicles, vehicle collisions, erratic drivers, radar enforcement, parking violations, road hazards (traffic lights, trees, wires), general and noise (loud music, etc.) complaints, threats, fireworks violations, disturbances, vehicle lockouts, alarms (residential, commercial, etc.), 911 misdials and hangups, trespassing and unwanted persons, suspicious persons, harassment, fraud, larceny and shoplifting, identity theft, soliciting, lost and found property, well-being checks, assist citizens and follow-up investigations, animal issues (dog, strays), drone requests, family services, and court appearances. They also provided mutual aid to Medway. This is not an exhaustive list.
Entries of note include:
June 25 at 9:18 a.m., Main St., funeral traffic
June 25 at 10:50 a.m., Bethel Road, suspicious person, arrest made
June 25 at 12:02 p.m., E. Main St., fight
June 25 at 2:14 p.m., Casey Pool, stolen bicycle
June 25 at 11:54 p.m., E. Main St., stolen license plate
June 26 at 2:35 a.m., Maher Court, noise complaint, unable to locate
June 26 at 11:30 a.m., Fortune Blvd., property damage
June 27 at 6:07 a.m., S. Main St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
June 27 at 6:41 a.m., Central St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
June 27 at 8:31 a.m., Congress St., funeral traffic
June 27 at 10:31 a.m., S. Bow St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
June 27 at 12:17 p.m., Milford High School, complaint
June 27 at 3:36 p.m., Pheasant Circle, attempted breaking and entering
June 27 at 4:39 p.m., East St., harassment
June 27 at 7:05 p.m., Main St., family services, rendered
June 27 at 10:43 p.m., Cedar St., dispute, peace restored
June 28 at 5:21 p.m., Senate Rd., well-being check; police, fire, highway departments responded
June 28 at 5:41 p.m., Pine St., road rage, criminal application
June 28 at 11:53 p.m., Rolling Green Drive, loud music, spoken to
June 29 at 12:18 a.m., Rolling Green Drive, loud music, spoken to
June 29 at 1:03 a.m., Jefferson St., well-being check, arrests made
June 29 at 1:04 a.m., Prairie St., neighbor dispute
June 29 at 3:19 a.m., Main St., unwanted person
June 29 at 4:27 a.m., Hayward St., disturbance, arrest made
June 29 at 5:46 a.m., Sumner St., unwanted person
June 29 at 2:28 p.m., Colonial Road, walk-in report of breaking and entering
June 30 at 8:46 p.m., Purchase St. Cemetery, investigation
July 1 at 10:10 p.m., Beaver St., road rage
July 1 at 10:35 p.m., Shadowbrook Lane, neighbor dispute, peace restored
July 2 at 4:41 p.m., Lincoln St., family services rendered
July 2 at 10:15 p.m., Hayward St., fireworks violation
July 3 at 12:18 p.m., Spruce St., drinking in public, spoken to
July 3 at 3:57 p.m., Medway Rd., motor vehicle stop, arrest made
July 3 at 5:49 p.m., Hollis St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 3 at 7:20 p.m., S. Main St., neighbor dispute
July 3 at 8:23 p.m., Goodrich Court, neighbor dispute
July 3 at 11:01 p.m., Main St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 4 at 9:42 a.m., Fortune Blvd., animal cruelty, canceled enroute
July 4 at 9:29 p.m., Grant St., preserve peace
July 4 at 9:37 p.m., Main St., assault, criminal application
July 4 at 10:34 p.m., Pine Island Rd,. hit and run accident, arrest made
July 4 between 8:40 p.m. and 11:36 p.m., fireworks violations on Hemlock Lane, Pine St.., Agnes Rd., W. Maple St., Highland St., Camp St.
July 5 at 6:15 p.m., Fortune Blvd., larceny, criminal application
July 5 at 10:07 p.m., Cedar St., fight
July 5 at 10:48 p.m., Plains Park, bylaw violation
July 5 at 11:56 p.m., Prospect St., unruly patient, peace restored
July 6 at 10:47 p.m., S. Bow St., fight
July 6 at 11:03 p.m., Jefferson St., loud music, spoken to
July 7 at 10:34 a.m., Sidney Road, past breaking and entering
July 7 at 7:26 p.m., Central St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 8 at 3:04 p.m., E. Main St., arrest made
July 8 at 5:45 p.m., Medway Road, intoxicated person, spoken to
July 8 at 11:20 p.m., Cedar St., suspicious person, taken to family/guardian
July 9 at 1:30 a.m., Main St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 9 at 9:54 p.m., Sumner St., motor vehicle stop, arrest made
July 10 at 11:46 a.m., E. Main St., funeral traffic
July 10 at 6:48 p.m., School St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 10 at 8:28 p.m., E. Main St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 10 at 2:44 p.m., Water St., breaking and entering
July 11 at 10:47 p.m., Fortune Blvd., disturbance
July 11 at 11:54 p.m., Franklin St., walk-in report of harassment
July 12 at 8:49 a.m., Main St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 12 at 10:33 a.m., Main St., funeral traffic
July 12 at 1:35 p.m., Greenleaf Terrace, disturbance, criminal application
July 13 at 12:10 p.m., Main St., unwanted person, arrest made
July 13 at 3:11 p.m., E. Main St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 14 at 12:47 a.m., East St. Ext., motor vehicle accident, summons issued
July 14 at 10:16 a.m., Purchase St., vandalism
July 14 at 12:36 p.m., Fino Field pool, drinking in public
July 15 at 12:37 p.m., Central St., motor vehicle stop, arrest made
July 15 at 8:54 a.m., San Clemente Circle, gunshot response, unable to locate
July 15 at 5:18 p.m., Fino Field, dispute
July 16 at 12:03 p.m., Central St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 16 at 12:32 p.m., Central St., K-9 deployment
July 16 at 12:59 p.m., Beaver St., suspicious activity, arrest made
July 16 at 1:37 p.m., Larson Road, larceny, arrest made
July 16 at 3:59 p.m., Dilla St., arrest made
July 16 at 6:44 p.m., Medway Road, aid to business
July 17 at 3:41 p.m., Cook St., hit and run accident, arrests made
July 18 at 12:46 p.m., Central St., pedestrian accident, report filed
July 18 at 7:30 p.m., E. Main St., aid to business
July 19 at 3:32 p.m., S. Main St., hit and run accident, criminal application
July 19 at 7:49 p.m., Main St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 19 at 8:27 p.m., Main St., motor vehicle stop, arrest made
July 20 at 1:27 p.m., Central St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 20 at 2:04 p.m., Main St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 22 at 12:29 a.m., S. Main St., attempted breaking and entering, report filed
July 22 at 1:03 p.m., S. Main St., K-9 deployed
July 22 at 1:20 a.m., Pond St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 22 at 2:22 p.m., Congress Terrace, road rage
July 22 at 3:59 p.m., 36 Main St., hit and run accident, criminal application
July 23 at 11:05 a.m., Beaver St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 23 at 1:35 p.m., Highland St., missing person, checked and okay
July 23 at 10:15 p.m., Medway Rd., road rage
July 23 at 11:30 p.m., Beaver St., intoxicated person
July 24 at 10:20 a.m., Central St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 24 at 10:26 a.m., S. Main St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 24 at 11:20 a.m., School St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 24 at 9:33 p.m., Whitewood Rd., barking dog, checked and okay
July 25 at 9:33 a.m., E. Main St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 25 at 10:14 a.m., Deer St., shoplifting, arrest made
July 25 at 10:18 a.m., Grant St. Ext., attempted breaking and entering
July 25 at 10:51 a.m., Congress St., funeral escort
July 25 at 1:15 p.m., Roland Way, motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 25 at 2:13 p.m., Main St., well-being check, arrest made
July 25 at 7 p.m., Main St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 25 at 7:26 p.m., High St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application

The Milford Fire Department also had a busy month. They responded to several medical emergencies (many transported to hospital), alarms (fire, burglar, carbon monoxide, etc.), odor investigations, reports of fire, and building and motor vehicle lockouts. They also provided mutual aid to Medway. This is not an exhaustive list.
Other items of note include:
June 25 at 6:03 a.m., West St., medical emergency, transported to hospital
June 25 at 8:58 a.m., Pleasant St., medical emergency, transported to hospital
June 25 at 1:54 p.m., Pheasant Circle, medical emergency, patient refusal
June 26 at 8:16 a.m., Purchase St., medical emergency, transported to hospital
June 26 at 12:50 p.m., West Street, disturbance, transported to hospital
June 27 at 12:53 a.m., Prospects Heights, medical emergency, patient refusal
June 27 at 10:06 a.m., Maple St., medical emergency, transported to hospital
June 28 at 5:40 p.m., Whitney St., water problem/flooded
June 30 at 9:48 p.m., School St., outside fire, dispatched
July 1 at 9:15 a.m., Birch St., medical emergency, transported to hospital
July 2 at 1:19 p.m., Taft St., appliance fire
July 3 at 6:42 p.m., E. Main St., medical emergency, transported to hospital
July 4 at 6:33 a.m., Maher Court, medical emergency, transported to hospital
July 4 at 1:14 p.m., Water St., outside fire
July 5 at 12:33 a.m., Water St., medical emergency, criminal application, transported to hospital
July 7 at 7:35 p.m., Mt. Pleasant St., medical emergency, transported to hospital
July 8 at 12:44 a.m., Shadowbrook Lane, water problem/flooded
July 8 at 7:06 p.m., Main St., odor investigation
July 9 at 10:23 a.m., E. Main St., medical emergency, services rendered
July 9 at 11:40 a.m., Birmingham Court, smoke investigation
July 12 at 11:27 a.m., Jenn-Paul Way, motor vehicle fire
July 13 at 8:51 a.m., Cape Road, smoke investigation
July 13 at 3:13 p.m., motor vehicle accident, arrests made, Fire responded
July 15 at 2:42 p.m., Taft St., outside fire
July 16 at 7:47 p.m., Rolling Green Dr., vehicle fire
July 17 at 5:58 p.m., Congress St., natural gas leak odor
July 19 at 7:17 p.m., Fruit St., motor vehicle accident, Fire responded
July 20 at 5:20 p.m., Malden Ave., outside fire
July 20 at 7:10 p.m., John St., outside fire
July 20 at 9:36 p.m., Prospect St., neighbor dispute
July 20 at 11:23 p.m., Main St., fight, arrest made
July 20 at 11:46 p.m., Alfred Rd., noise complaint, peace restored
July 21 at 3:06 a.m., Prospect St., unruly patient
July 21 at 4:14 p.m., S. Main St., road rage
July 21 at 6 p.m., Elm St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 21 at 7:33 p.m., S. Main St., motor vehicle stop, criminal application
July 21 at 7:48 p.m., Prospect St., unruly patient, criminal application
July 22 at 10:43 a.m., Main St., motor vehicle fire
July 23 at 5:19 a.m., Pearl St., hazardous material spill
July 25 at 1:25 p.m., Governors Way, non-emergency investigation
July 25 at 6:19 p.m., Hancock St., structure fire