Psychic Gary McKinstry returns to Upton

On Friday, May 3 at 6:30 p.m. Gary McKinstry, a well-known Medium, Psychic, and Radio Personality will be returning to Upton by popular demand to the Nipmuc Rod and Gun Club, 88 Fiske Mill Road.

Psychic Gary McKinstry
The evening will feature McKinstry's talents in channeling spiritual contact with passed loved ones. This event is generously sponsored by the Upton Bloomer Girls, a 501(c)4 women's charity organization that offers resources, helping hands, or other assistance to current Upton residents who are in need of additional support.
There will be opportunities to win great raffle prizes and to be singled out by Gary for a personal experience. Seating is limited. To pre-purchase a ticket, call Ida at 508-529-2822 or visit Shear Excitement in Upton or Denise Smith at the Upton Town Hall.
For more information, please go to