Upton Police Log
The Upton Police Department provided a wide range of services between Jan. 25 and Feb. 25 related to motor vehicle violations, disabled motor vehicles, traffic enforcement, radar services, parking complaints, road hazards, building checks, various alarms, odor investigation, abandoned 911 calls, and lost/missing property. UPD often provided mutual aid to Hopedale police, fire and EMS. Other entries of note include:
Jan. 25 at 9:15 a.m., Farm St., vandalism
Jan. 25 at 12:04 p.m, Laurelwood Dr. in Hopedale, mutual assistance
Jan. 25 at 1 p.m., station, walk-in assistance
Jan. 25 at 5:37 p.m., Prospect St., larceny
Jan. 26 at 2:20 p.m., Milford St., well-being check
Jan. 27 at 8:44 p.m., Main St., suspicious motor vehicle
Jan. 28 at 1:10 a.m., Glen Ave., suspicious person
Jan. 28 at 8:11 a.m., North St., disturbance, peace restored
Jan. 28 at 3:50 p.m., Glen Ave and Hartford Ave. South, vandalism
Jan. 29 at 10:29 a.m., Cider Mill Ln., suspicious person
Jan. 29 at 1:37 p.m., Pleasant St., arrest
Jan. 30 at 1:11 p.m., Milford St., suspicious person, returned to family
Jan. 30 at 4:09 p.m., Glen Ave. and Pleasant St., motor vehicle collision with personal injury
Jan. 30 at 4:40 p.m., Main St. and Hartford Ave. North, wires down
Jan. 31 at 2:51 p.m., Main St. and Centennial Ct., low-hanging wires
Jan. 31 at 7:32 p.m, Glen Ave., well-being check
Feb. 1 at 6:35 p.m., Pleasant St., harassment prevention order
Feb. 2 at 7:14 a.m., Main St., family disturbance
Feb. 2 at 10:17 a.m., School St., car seat installation
Feb. 2 at 2:56 p.m., Main St., well-being check
Feb. 2 at 4:24 p.m., Miscoe Hill Rd., suspicious person
Feb. 3 at 9:43 a.m., East St., animal injured, gone on arrival
Feb. 4 at 11:14 a.m,. South St., well-being check
Feb. 5 at 1:52 p.m., School St., community policing
Feb. 5 at 8:21 p.m., Christian Hill Rd., suspicious package/material
Feb. 6 at 3:07 p.m, Railroad Ave., animal complaint
Feb. 7 at 10:48 a.m., Milford & Prospect Sts., animal injured
Feb. 7 at 3:40 p.m., School St., attempt to serve summons
Feb. 7 at 4:50 p.m., Mendon St., well-being check
Feb. 7 at 7:58 p.m., Cider Mill Ln., suspicious person
Feb. 8 at 9:39 a.m., High St., well-being check
Feb. 8 at 12:22 p.m., Westboro Rd., harassment prevention order
Feb. 8 at 8:14 p.m., Cider Mill Ln., suspicious person
Feb. 8 at 8:39 p.m., Mendon St., animal injured
Feb. 10 at 12:23 p.m., Russell Ave., water/sewer issue
Feb. 10 at 6:14 p.m., Crockett Rd., hunter complaint/inquiry
Feb. 12 at 12:06 p.m., School St., harassment prevention order
Feb. 12 at 3:36 p.m., Fiske Ave. and Whitney Ln., animal complaint
Feb. 13 at 10:13 a.m., Milford St., open door
Feb. 13 at 6:34 p.m, W. River St., well-being check
Feb. 14 at 1:55 a.m., Main St., suspicious motor vehicle
Feb. 14 at 1:21 p.m., walk-in, house check
Feb. 14 at 3:39 p.m., Hartford Ave. North, hit and run
Feb. 16 at 9:16 a.m., School St., cell inspection
Feb. 16 at 11:40 a.m., Milford St., threats, investigation
Feb. 16 at 3 p.m., Main St., lost animal
Feb. 17 at 4:18 p.m., Milfrod St., threats, peace restored
Feb. 18 at 2:10 a.m., Centennial Ct., preventative patrol
Feb. 20 at 12:30 p.m, Milford St., community policing
Feb. 21 at 3:03 p.m, Milford St., well-being check
Feb. 22 at 2:55 p.m., Westboro Rd., harassment prevention order
Feb. 24 at 11:05 a.m., Main St., suspicious person
Feb. 24 at 12:25 p.m., Fiske Mill Rd., well-being check
Feb. 24 at 12:55 p.m., School St., car seat installation
Feb. 24 at 1:56 p.m., Main St., disturbance/noise complaint
Feb. 25 at 2:51 a.m., Main St., preventive patrol
Feb. 25 at 3:45 a.m., Westboro Rd., preventive patrol
Feb. 25 at 12:17 p.m., Pleasant St., structure fire
Feb. 25 at 3:57 p.m., School St., harassing phone calls
Source: Upton Police Department
PHOTO - Source: facebook.com/uptonpolice/
Mendon Police Log
Between Jan. 25 and Feb. 24, the Mendon Police Department responded to hundreds of calls, many related to suspicious and disabled motor vehicles, motor vehicle violations and accidents, fire and carbon monoxide alarms, road hazards, parking complaints and violations, suspicious activity, house and vehicle lockouts, and medical emergencies. They also conducted more than 200 motor vehicle stops during that time. Other entries of note during the month include:
Jan. 25 at 12:27 p.m., Uxbridge Rd., brush fire
Jan. 25 at 6:43 p.m., Springbrook Ct., fraud
Jan. 26 at 8:10 p.m., Main St., disturbance
Jan. 26 at 8:41 p.m., Lovell St., medical emergency
Jan. 26 at 9:44 p.m., Main St., disturbance
Jan. 27 at 4:32 p.m., Cemetery St., harassment
Jan. 27 at 6:26 p.m., Cape Rd., medical emergency
Jan. 28 at 1:03 p.m., Washington St., animal
Jan. 29 at 12:06 p.m., Russell Ct., fraud
Jan. 30 at 9:51 a.m., Providence St., assist citizen
Jan. 30 at 2:22 p.m., Milford St., erratic operator
Feb. 1 at 6:15 p.m., Cape Rd., erratic operator
Feb. 2 at 4:39 p.m., Powers Rd., document service
Feb. 4 at 12:38 p.m., Crestview Dr., medical emergency
Feb. 5 at 9:56 a.m., Colonial Dr., well-being check
Feb. 5 at 12:05 p.m., Main St., hit and run motor vehicle collision
Feb. 6 at 8:18 a.m., Main St., noise complaint
Feb. 6 at 8:51 a.m., Main St., noise complaint
Feb. 6 at 1:27 p.m., Main St., harassment
Feb. 6 at 3:36 p.m., Puddingstone Ln., found property
Feb. 9 at 12:01 p.m., Millville St., well-being check
Feb. 11 at 10:47 a.m., Main St., found property
Feb. 12 at 4:10 p.m., Hastings St., well-being check
Feb. 14 at 10:37 p.m., Old Taft Ave., well-being check
Feb. 15 at 12:04 p.m., Neck Hill Rd., message delivery
Feb. 16 at 11:09 a.m., Taft Ave., animal
Feb. 17 at 4:04 p.m., Cape Rd., hit and run motor vehicle collision
Feb. 17 at 10:23 p.m., Asylum St., medical emergency
Feb. 20 at 9:35 a.m., Bates St., hit and run motor vehicle collision
Feb. 20 at 4:06 p.m., Hastings St., hit and run motor vehicle collision
Feb. 21 at 12:46 p.m., Blackstone St., fraud
Feb. 21 at 4:06 p.m., Uxbridge Rd., stolen vehicle
Feb. 23 at 11:31 a.m., Uxbridge Rd., animal
Feb. 24 at 12:15 p.m., Main St., well-being check
Source: www.mendonpolice.com/
PHOTO - Source: Facebook @mendonpolice