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Barlow earns Bronze Award, builds birdhouses on bike trail

Makayla Barlow of Milford Junior Girl Scout Troop #65017 recently earned the Bronze Award, the third highest award in Girl Scouts. Courtesy photo

By Theresa Knapp 

Makayla Barlow is a Junior Girl Scout in Troop 65017 in Milford, and this summer she earned her Bronze Award, the highest award a Girl Scout can earn as a Junior (grades 4-5). The project took over 20 hours to complete. 

When thinking about a project idea, she observed that there is a loss of habitat for birds due to natural predators and construction activity. Her original thought was to build birdhouses or feeders along the bike trail or in front of senior living homes [and] partner with the Milford Garden Club,” according to her application. 

Ultimately, Makayla chose to build, paint, and install three birdhouses on the bike trail near Louisa Lake. This project provides habitats for birds, and benefits people who enjoy bird watching and listening to birds sing. 

Makayla brainstormed ideas and prepared a project plan. She wrote a letter describing her desired project and submitted it to the Milford Town Council. Then she scheduled a meeting and met with James Asam of the Milford Parks and Recreation Department to pitch her idea and gain approval. 

Asam granted a letter of support and approved the locations of the bird house installations. Makayla then gathered supplies from wood scraps in her family's garage, measured wood, cut, and assembled bird houses using a power drill and screws. She made a total of three bird houses and painted each one. She then installed the bird houses along the Milford Bike Trail at approved locations where thousands of visitors can enjoy them. 

In Makaya’s Bronze Award Final Report, her troop leader, Sandy Knapp, said that “Makayla learned to organize materials and make a plan, how to use power tools, and work from start to finish on a longer project.” 

The Bronze Award is the third highest award in Girl Scouts.