Mendon Town Beach gets makeover

By Linda Chuss
This summer, people passing by the Mendon Town Beach at Nipmuc Pond are doing double-takes as an impressive improvement project for one of the town’s greatest assets is now complete. While the new lawn and fencing are noticeable from the street, entering the facility reveals the stairs and ramp, retaining wall, landscaping, sand, and playground equipment that have all been replaced.
“We want more people in town to enjoy the beach, like we did when we were kids,” said Parks and Recreation Commissioner Thomas Belland.
“But the condition had deteriorated. Working with a grant from the Community Preservation Committee and supportive contractors, plus pooling the skills of Parks and Recreation Director Dan Byer and fellow commissioner AJ Byrne, we were able to plan and oversee this project to restore the beach to something the town would be proud of again.”
Issues of function and safety were addressed, which also made it more visually attractive.
“The old wall and stairs were sinking, and the fence was falling,” Byer explained. “That’s fixed with the replacements. The ramp makes the area more accessible. Because of tree roots and erosion, the beach was uneven. Now, after removing stumps and leveling the grade, that area is bigger and more usable. Capping off the project is the playground restoration.”
Byer added, “Unfortunately, ash trees were infested and had to be removed to avoid toppling. We’re grateful to National Grid for donating replacement sugar maples to provide welcome shade.”
Belland, Byer and Byrne expressed appreciation to additional contributing organizations. Shawn’s Landscaping helped with money-saving practices and provided good ideas. Unilock from Uxbridge donated pavers and provided blocks at cost. The Highway and Fire Departments installed a boat ramp from which paddlers can launch. The Highway Department added curbing and catch basins to help protect the water quality from runoff.
Town officials say residents can help by not using fertilizer because it ends up in the water system, creating unsafe conditions.
With events from cardboard boat races, concerts, and movie nights to recreational swimming and lessons, in addition to being a pleasant spot for meeting neighbors and friends, the pond and beach are a key part of the community.
“We expect the results of this project will make it even more so,” Belland said.
Located at 45 Taft Ave., the town beach has free parking plus a snack stand. Hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. For admission fees and more information, visit For swim lessons, visit For recreational programs, visit
Did you know…
In the 1960s, AJ Byrne’s father was one of the earliest town beach directors, and for a short time after their move to Mendon, the family of six lived in the “house” at the beach.