Milford Girl Scouts celebrate World Thinking Day

Cadette Troop 64720 (pictured left to right), Claire Viera, Mia Santomenna, Kaia Demers, Mila Cales, and Ella Knapp representing France. Courtesy photo.
After a 3-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Milford Girl Scouts hosted the World Thinking Day Festival on February 25, 2023, at the CCC/First Unitarian Universalist Church. This festival is an international friendship day set aside for Girl Scouts to develop awareness about their sisters around the world, explore cultural similarities and differences, and learn about issues that girls and women face. The 2023 World Thinking Day theme explored what we can learn from the environment and how we can work with nature to create a more peaceful and secure future for girls everywhere.

Brownie Troop 65222 (pictured left to right), Sophie Hulbig, Angelina Martinez, Madison Mirenda, Charlotte Roy, Peyton Arthurs, and Hazel Parente representing Tanzania. Courtesy photo
More than 65 Milford Girl Scouts across 13 troops participated in the festival with their leaders and families. Seniors and Ambassadors (9th through 12th grade) hosted activities to demonstrate peace, while Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes (Kindergarten through 8th grade) represented countries from the five World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts regions, including Africa, Arab, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Western Hemisphere. Troops researched what life is like for girls in their selected country, then created a display, swaps, and food samples for other Girl Scouts to experience. Some troops even learned greetings or wore traditional clothing from their represented country. In addition, there was a performance by Cadette Troop 64720 for a mime-inspired ballet to represent France. Troop Leader Sandy Knapp said “World Thinking Day will always be my favorite tradition. What better way to explore different cultures than with your sister Girl Scouts!”
For more highlights, check out Milford (MA) Girl Scouts on Facebook at