Mendon Senior Center news

Regular Weekly/Monthly Programs:
Chorus Rehearsals resume – Monday, Jan. 13, 1 - 3 p.m.
Chair Exercise – Tuesday & Thursday, 9 a.m. Call for availability and fees.
Lunch Club – Tuesday & Thursday, noon sign up 48 hours in advance. Transportation available
Hand, Knee & Foot – Tuesdays 1 p.m.
Quigong – Wednesday 10 a.m. Call for availability and fees.
Dine Out – Third Wednesday 11:30/12. Call for location.
MahJong – Wednesday & Thursday 1 p.m.
Yarn Works – Thursday 1 p.m.
Food Pantry Assistance – First Friday 9-12 by appointment, Call Janet Hubener 508-478-6175
Real Estate Tax Exemptions
While taxes cannot be avoided, some taxpayers may be entitled to partial relief via a “real estate tax exemption.” A tax exemption is a discharge from the obligation to pay all or a portion of a tax. There are several types of exemptions each with its own requirements; one that is age related (65 years or older detailed below), others given due to blindness, surviving spouse or veteran’s status. Mendon’s Principal Assessor, Sherrie Bates will be at the Mendon Senior Center on Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 1 p.m. (with a snow date of Feb. 12 at 1 p.m.) at the Mendon Senior Center, 62 Providence St., Mendon to review the requirements and to answer any questions. Please stop by or call the senior center at 508-478-6175 to register.
Applications for all of these exemptions are due no later than April 1, 2025 If you are unable to come to our presentation on Jan. 22 please contact the Assessor’s office 508-473-2738 for confidential assistance.
Circuit Breaker Tax Credit
A refundable tax credit for Mass residents age 65 or older who own or rent their principal residence in Massachusetts.
Eligibility guidelines:
- Must be 65 or older by Dec. 31 of tax year.
- Must own or rent a principal residence in Massachusetts
- Must have total income that does not exceed certain limits
- File a Massachusetts personal income tax return and complete schedule CB
- Your income must not exceed the following (including Social Security, and other income not ordinarily taxed in Massachusetts.)
Income for tax year:
2021 2022 2023 2024
62,000 64,000 69,000 72,000
Head of Household:
78,000 80,000 86,000 91,000
Married, filing jointly:
93,000 96,000 103,000 109,000
Planning for Medicare – Countdown to 65 Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, at 11 a.m.
This presentation, led by a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts representative, is geared towards individuals approaching 65 and Medicare Eligibility. Topics covered include health insurance information outside of employer sponsored coverage, such as an explanation of Medicare, the Medi-care enrollment timeline, Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans and programs available to early retirees, and Jan. 29 presentation for those who may still be working and looking to transition to Medicare. Please call 508-478-6175 or stop by the Mendon Senior Center to register for this free program.
Home Energy Assistance HEAP help is just a call away
If you or someone you know is having trouble making ends meet, please consider contacting the Mendon Senior Center. Our helpful staff including Janet Hubener, Outreach Coordinator, are here to offer confidential assistance with fuel assistance applications and nutritional support to Mendon residents of all ages. The SMOC Fuel assistance program helps defray heating costs incurred between Nov. 1, 2024, and April 30, 2025 for eligible households (see household size/income guide.) Please call for guidelines for larger households. Call Janet at the senior center at 508-478-6175. Help is just a phone call away. Household size Income Limit:
1 $49,196
2 $64,333
3 $79,470
4 $94,608
Outreach Assistance
Senior Center Outreach Coordinator, Janet Hubener is available to offer free confidential counseling, caregiver support, and information and referral services on aging issues for seniors and caregivers. This position is grant funded in part under a state grant. Home visits are available, please contact Janet at 508-478-6175.
Blood Pressure Clinic
Tuesday, Feb. 4 from 11 a.m. - 12 noon. The Salmon Family VNA and Hospice of Greater Milford, in cooperation with the Mendon Board of Health, will be offering this free monthly Blood Pressure Clinic. Please call or stop by the center to register. Drop-ins are also welcome.
Create your own Valentine’s Day cards—Feb. 6
Stop in any time between 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. We will have all the supplies you need to make your own beautiful card! This program is free of charge.
Tech Talk – Have questions? Need help with your devices—smartphones, tablets, laptops? Come to the Mendon Senior Center to get your answers - Monday, Feb. 10 at 2:30 p.m. Senior center participants at the Mendon Senior Center have benefited from the informative Tech Talk lead by Nipmuc High School students in the past. If interested, please sign up at the senior center and be sure to include your questions or concerns when using any device i.e. cell phones, tablets, lap-tops they need assistance with including: Settings & Organization, Storage, Security Connections and Social Media. Please call 508-478-6175 or stop by the senior center to register for this free program.
Valentine’s Luncheon
Join us on Thursday, Feb. 13 at noon for a meat lasagna served with salad, garlic bread and a festive dessert. While eating, enjoy the beautiful piano ballads and songs performed by our very own Earl Pearlman of the Mendon COA. Call 508-478-6175 or stop by the Senior Center to sign up. The cost for lunch is $5 per person. Space is limited.
Mendon History Talk w/ Jim Buckley
Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 11 a.m. Join Jim as he shares another the story from his archives of Mendon History Consider joining us for lunch afterwards. Sign up for one or both programs at the center or call 508-478-6175.
Senior Center Inclement Weather Policy: It is the policy of the COA to align with the Mendon School system cancellations and delayed openings. With a two hour delay, our morning exercise programs will be canceled and rescheduled. The center will remain open for information and referrals unless the Town Hall Closes. Please listen to Milford's WMRC radio station following a significant snow fall for school cancellations. If you had a van ride scheduled for that day, we apologize but the van will not be running when the center is closed.