Upton Special Town Meeting approves budget items, bylaw changes, compost program publicity, defeats upgrades to community message board

Upton Town Meeting member Dave Ross expressed concern over a proposed community message board with an LED panel near Town Hall. Ross said it conflicts with the town’s efforts to create a ‘quaint historic New England downtown feel.” Photo source: Upton Community Television
By Theresa Knapp
On Nov. 12, the Town of Upton held a Special Town Meeting that ran about two hours and processed the warrant which included 27 articles.
The meeting took about two hours and began with the election of a temporary Town Moderator as the Upton Town Moderator was unable to attend. Dawn Anderson, Grafton’s Town Moderator, was appointed.
An article to $1,500 to publicize a pilot composting program garnered one dissenting vote from the Finance Committee and required a standing vote before it passed; and an article related to a $47,347 message board near Town Hall was defeated.
Upton Town Meeting members stand to have their vote counted at the November Special Town Meeting. The only article requiring a standing vote related to a request for $1,500 to publicize a pilot composting program to residents. Photo source: Upton Community Television
Publicizing composting program approved
Article 15 asked for $1,500 in funding to print and mail a townwide notice to residents regarding a pilot town-wide composting program.
The majority of the Finance Committee recommended favorable action. FinCom Co-Chair Paul Flaherty said he was the one dissenting vote, adding “Whoever is going to do this compositing is going to make money on it, otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it. Why are we paying to advertise so somebody else can make money.”
Dominque Ross of the Green Designation Committee said the mailer is the only way to ensure everyone has access to information about the optional program. Ross said they have promoted the program on social media and through the schools but not everyone is getting the information.
Ross said, “The intention is for this program to successfully reduce our waste tonnage which directly decreases our sanitation operation budget which would be a savings of far more than $1,500, so this benefits residents in the long run.”
Ross said residents who opt into the program will pay $89.99 for six months and the compost is picked up every other week. Participants will receive a bag of compost in the spring. Ross said neighbors could share the expense of a bin to make the program more economical.
After a short discussion, Temporary Town Moderator Anderson called for a card vote which was too close to call and a standing vote was required. Anderson determined the motion passed 86-40, meeting the majority vote required.
Community message board defeated
One article was defeated which was a request for $47,347 “to be used for refurbishment and/or installation of a new community message board with LED panel” near Town Hall.
This was to replace the existing sign that the Men’s Club donated to the town approximately 20 years ago.
The Finance Committee recommended favorable action.
Town Meeting member Dave Ross expressed concern that “We’re spending a lot of time and money revitalizing downtown, we want it to have that quaint historic New England downtown feel, and we’re going to put a big lighted sign in the center of downtown?”
The motion was defeated by the required majority.
Special Town Meeting also voted to:
• Pay prior year bills ($130);
• Amend FY25 operating budget and water/wastewater enterprise funds for collective bargaining agreements ($96,310);
• Amend FY25 operating budget to fund approved compensation plan for various non-union municipal employees ($45,432);
• Fund street light conversion to LED fixtures ($3,796);
• Fund radio system infrastructure upgrades ($114,582);
• Fund police department drone ($10,953);
• Fund fire department’s Engine 3 valve repairs ($19,451);
• Fund fire station flooring ($26,375);
• Fund resurfacing and reconfiguring Town Hall parking lot ($100,000);
• Fund operation and maintenance plans for wastewater facilities ($95,000);
• Fund Milford Street water/wastewater design ($62,000);
• Fund landscape design services for Route 140/Main St. TIP project ($23,000);
• Fund mailing for composting program ($1,500);
• Accept donation from Harvey J. Trask Trust (unspecified);
• Discontinue portion of Stoddard St.;
• Convey easement at Crocket Road for utilities;
• Change Cemetery Commission from elected to appointed;
• Petition General Court to amend Upton Town Manager Act;
• Amend Community Preservation Committee membership;
• Authorize the use of electronic tabulators at Town Meeting;
• Amend Small Cell Zoning Bylaw;
• Amend Zoning Bylaws to reflect MBTA Communities; and
• Amend Zoning Bylaws regarding Accessory Dwelling Units.
One article was withdrawn (a request for funding for radio system infrastructure upgrades for $114,582); and two articles were passed over including funding the use of electronic tabulators at Town Meeting (amount unspecified) and an amendment related to MBTA zoning uses permitted by special permit.
For more information and detailed results, visit bit.ly/UptonSTMfall2024results.
To watch the meeting on Upton Community Television, visit bit.ly/UCTVstmFall2024.