Residents to vote in November on Mendon's proposed Senior and Community Center

Project will be on election ballot and Special Town Meeting warrant
Did you know that the Mendon Senior and Community Center (MSCC) project is continuing?
After receiving additional input from the community, and working with both the Selectboard and the FINCOM, the MSCC Committee is striving to reduce the overall cost while still providing the necessary services.
In 2023, the Senior Center experienced an overall increase of 17% in service requests. Services included, but are not limited to:
• Food Pantry Assistance
• Outreach and Advocacy
• Community Education
• Meals
• Nutritional Programs
• Fitness and Exercise Programs
• Health Screening and Education
• Benefits Counseling
• Fuel Assistance
• Veterans Benefits and Programs
The Center provides many opportunities for socialization including day trips, card games, cribbage, mahjong, walking and knitting groups.
The space in our current location limits the Center’s ability to provide increased programming and adequate, safe parking. Programs such as Adult Day Care, memory cafes, intergenerational programs and community access to the Center for meetings and functions are just some of things the new Center could consider providing.
The Committee’s vision is that, with increased community access and expanded space, simultaneous events can take place. This would enable veterans, scouts, service agencies, and town groups and clubs use of the facility while senior activities are in progress.
The proposed Center will be on the Nov. 5 ballot and will also be presented as a warrant article for funding at a Special Town Meeting in November. Please consider supporting this important initiative at the ballot box and at the Special Town Meeting.
Submitted by MSCC Committee Members