Comprehensive Plan community meeting May 13 Residents are asked, “What is your vision for Milford?”

By Theresa Knapp
The Town of Milford will hold a Comprehensive Plan community meeting on May 13 at 7 p.m. at Town Hall.
This “visioning forum” will be held in collaboration with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC). Residents will be asked, “What is YOUR vision for Milford?”
A comprehensive plan, according to MAPC, “will provide strategic direction for decision making regarding land use, zoning, housing, transportation, economic development, and community investment in public infrastructure, facilities, and services.”
Milford’s last plan was put into effect in 2003. Plans are typically updated every 10 years. According to the project timeline at, organizers will compile the information, hold two feedback sessions later this year, and present a final comprehensive plan in the spring of 2025.
“The project team will use valuable input received throughout the process from residents, business owners, community leaders, and other stakeholders to develop recommendations and an implementation strategy with specific actions to help the town achieve its future goals and enhance quality of life. When completed, the Milford Comprehensive Plan will serve as a roadmap for the Town, with a cohesive vision and a set of goals that reflect the shared values of the community.”
Light refreshments will be served, and interpretation will be offered.