Milford street names reflect town’s past

Asylum Street in Milford got its name from a farm purchased by the town to establish an asylum in 1825. The paupers and mentally challenged people who lived there were under the care of the Board of Selectmen and Overseers of the Poor.
Quinshipaug Road, located off Dilla Street, is derived from the land known as the Quinshipaug Plantation that became Mendon. The Native American name meant “Pickerel Pond.” Moses Payne and Peter Brackett purchased the land in 1662. Eight towns eventually broke away from what we call “Mother” Mendon. Those towns were Milford, Hopedale, Blackstone, Millville, Upton, Northbridge, Uxbridge, and Bellingham.
Highland Street was originally named “Magomiscock” which meant “ground affording a grand view.” It is the highest point in Milford and, at one time, you could see the Wachusett and Monadnock mountains as well as the Blue Hills in Milton.
Purchase Street derived its name from the additional land purchased by Peter Brackett and Moses Payne. It was a three-square-mile parcel north of the original laying-out, thus it was called the “North Purchase” and bounded on the east by Holliston, north by Hopkinton, and west by Upton.
Bear Hill was originally named "Moshcock" which came from a Native American tale that meant "a haunt for bears."
Deer Street and Wild Cat Pond were undeveloped until recently with the addition of large apartment buildings and Restaurant Depot. In days gone by, a grist mill and saw mill operated near there. John Hero, who lived nearby on Cedar Street, claimed he picked up arrowheads every time he plowed his field.
For more information on Milford’s history, feel free to visit the Milford Historical Commission any Thursday from 1. to 4 p.m. or by appointment. We are located in Memorial Hall, 30 School Street, and can be reached at 774-462-3316 or [email protected].
Submitted by Anne Lamontagne with the Milford Historical Commission