Mendon Senior Community Center expansion update
Progress Continues! The Senior Community Center Expansion Committee has been busy throughout the summer working with the Building Architect defining the requirements and actively engaging in an analysis of the current location and three other possible sites in town. Over the next 3 months the committee will complete the location analysis, defining the construction budget, exploring funding opportunities and conduct informational and awareness meetings to keep the towns people informed.
After a successful presence at the Rock the Block event, we are planning to offer periodic informational updates beginning with one on Monday, October 16 at 10:30 a.m. at the Mendon Senior Center, 62 Providence St., Mendon prior to the Friends of Mendon Elders meeting. Plan to join us! (The Friends of Mendon Elders is an incorporated 501.c.3 non-profit, raising funds to improve the senior center facility and to support programming.)
If you are interested in joining the expansion effort, please contact the [email protected] or COA board members Phil Cieply ([email protected] ) or Peg Nogueira ([email protected]).
Mendon Select Board Appointed Committee and Volunteers:
Mike Ammendolia, Alejna Brugos, Mark Bucchino, Phil Cieply, David Kurczy, Peg Nogueira, Lawney Tinio, Mike Goddard- (Alternate Select Board Member) and Jack Hunter Town Planner. In addition, Tom Fichtner has volunteered to help.
Amy Wilson Kent, Senior Services Director, along with the Council on Aging board will be providing the committee with guidance.