Upton Town Library Calendar of Events

2 Main Street, Upton • 508-529-6272 • UptonLibrary.org
HOURS: Tues. - Thurs. 10-8 • Fri. & Sat. 10-4 • Sun. & Mon. CLOSED
By Matthew Bachtold, Library Director and Lee Ann Murphy, Children’s Librarian
Community Center
For the latest updates and photos of the new community center at 9 Milford Street, future home of the Upton Library and Upton Senior Center, visit uptonlibrary.org.
Printing, scanning, faxing
Are available at Upton Town Library. We have a self-service machine, and staff assistance is always available. The first five pages per day are free of charge, additional pages are 10 cents for b/w, 25 cents for color and 50 cents for faxing. Most phones can connect directly to our printer, and our desktop workstations can print anything that you’ve emailed to yourself.
Explore graphic novels!
Graphic novels are a literary form that combines images and pictures to create compelling stories. Modern graphic novels include everything from superhero collections and fantasy adventures to poignant memoirs and histories. Our collection is divided into three sections based on reading level, theme and type of images, so readers of all ages can find appropriate content.
Special Events
Our Winter Reading Challenge ends on February 25. Kids, tweens, and teens may return their completed challenge sheet to the circulation desk to receive their prize kit for a snowman craft. One prize per participant.
A Succulent Planting Party for tweens and teens ages 10-16 will be held on February 22 from 6 - 7 p.m. Participants will decorate two terracotta pots and plant a variety of succulents. This program requires registration on our Event Calendar. Special thanks to donations from Petal and Crumb in Upton.
It’s Tinker Time!
On Saturday, February 25 from 1 -2 p.m., kids ages 5-12 will have the chance to become engineers and tinker around at different building stations. Activities include homemade tinker toys, marshmallow and toothpick structures, and paper cup tower challenges. Participants must register on our Event Calendar for this event.
In Upton Town Hall
Music & Movement
Music & Movement with Deb Hudgins will take place February 7 and 21 from 10:30-11 a.m. Join us for stories, songs, and fun. Best for ages 1-5. Partial funding for this program is through a grant from Beginning Bridges CFCE in Uxbridge. Currently, this is a drop-in program.
Baby Storytime
Baby Storytime is for ages birth to 3 and is every Friday at 10:30 a.m. This is a 20-minute lapsit program featuring stories, songs, and nursery rhymes. For ages 0-3.
Preschool Storytime
Preschool Storytime is every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. and is for ages 3 to 5. This is a 30-minute program, featuring longer stories, songs, rhymes, and crafts. Currently, storytimes are drop-in programs. For ages 3-5.
Teen Group
This group meets weekly every Tuesday from 3 - 4 p.m. and focuses on a new theme each month, sharing books, crafts, games, and more. For February, our theme will be fantasy! This group is for tweens and teens ages 10-16. This is always a drop-in program.
Kids’ Book Club
Our book club members explore popular juvenile and preteen titles on the first Wednesday of each month. Join us March 1 from 4 - 4:45 p.m., to discuss the graphic novel “Chef Yasmina and the Potato Panic” by Wauter Mannaert. This group is for ages 8-12 and reads mostly middle grade titles. We welcome new members all year round! New members may contact Mrs. Murphy at [email protected].
Upton Reads Book Group – Town Hall
An eclectic mix of contemporary literary fiction with meetings on the second Tuesday afternoon and Thursday evening of each month. This group will meet in person at Upton Town Hall, with a Zoom remote option. Tues., Feb. 14 at 12:45 p.m., and Thurs., Feb. 16 at 6:45 p.m. : The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell, by Robet Dugoni.
For more information or assistance with any library services, call 508-529-6272 or email [email protected]